Highlights from the Lab at Arizona State University Video – Embodied Games at Department of Psychology Game – With the Learning Futures Collaboratory at ASU released a simulation/game called...
Immersive Learning Research Network Conference Virtual conference took place in the digital world of Virbela, June 22, 2020 https://immersivelrn.org/ilrn2020/ Elena Kalina presented a paper entitled: Presence and Platform: Effects...
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) Invited Presentation: New uses of XR in physics and quick report on Magnetic Fields app downloadable at https://www.magna-ar.net/
The keynote title was: VR, Augmented, and Mixed Realities (XR) for STEM and Game-based Learning: Focus on Design
Dr. Mina C. Johnson-Glenberg visited the University of Cergy-Pontoise, France for an invited lecture series. She brought a Magic Leap headset to demonstrate Augmented Reality (AR) in the Human...
Dr. Johnson-Glenberg is proud to serve as a member of the Advisory Board at Baltu Studios, an immersive software development studio.
Embodied Games Lab members, Ricardo Nieland and Man Su, show 50 summer camp students how VR works. They lead high school students through the “Catch a Mimic” natural selection...
Release of Joan Ganz Cooney Center report. Dr. Johnson-Glenberg was a presenter at the two-day workshop at ASU in November 2018. This report synthesizes the proceedings where participants discussed...
Embodied Games Lab at Psychology a finalist at ASU ASURE XR CHALLENGE AWARD to design an AR app to help decision-makers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo decide where...